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Summer in Seattle: Sunsets Edition

There’s a common misconception about Seattle–that it rains all the time. Before we moved, I remember being asked if there was such a thing as summer in Seattle.  I could go into all the weather records and statistics to disprove the “always raining” perception but this isn’t a weather blog and the locals don’t want more people moving here anyway.

I will say that the best time to visit Seattle is usually late June through late September when Mother Nature is in top form in the Pacific Northwest. Of all the US summers I’ve lived through, summer in Seattle is my favorite. If you visit now you’ll see why.

Of course, Seattle does have a drearier than usual winter (3pm sunsets) and a rainy long spring (reinforced umbrellas needed) to balance out all the great summer weather. Hey, nowhere is perfect.

Now that it is officially summer in Seattle, I dusted off my camera this past weekend for the first time in months (insert choir of angels singing). I headed down to Alki in West Seattle to capture the sunset on Elliott Bay. I’ve written before about why West Seattle is my favorite Seattle neighborhood so I guess it won’t be a surprise to you that even though we are back to renting we’re still in West Seattle.

Enjoy the photos!

Let me know what you think!

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